All the kids who were born in May 2 years ago surrounded the cake, and all the parents surrounded their kids. Guess what, that left me no place to stand for shooting photos! Haha...
That left me no choice. I just grabbed a chair and stood on it to have a view on the inside circle. Unfortunately, I am not tall enough to take the photos with the camera at my eye level. I had my camera set to multi-focus, turned the flash on, lifted my camera high up, and I went shooting blindly. I hoped I was lucky enough to have a few decent shots.
Below photo show the mothers' hands helping the kids to cut the cake. And those hands were blocking the kids' faces~ Kids: 'Let me have a look at the cake!'. Haha...
Of course, parents were busy taking photos of their kids! Look at the cameras on their hands pointing towards the kids. I lifted my camera higher than them~ Happy Birthday to May babies!
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