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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sisters' bonding

I was sitting down watching the 2 little princesses walking towards my direction. They were holding hands and they just looked so lovely. The bonding between them must be very strong.

I always think that walking shot is one of the natural pose (without thinking that there is a camera ready to shoot at you, that is). I took a shot with my flash on and checked on the photo. It seems over exposed. They walked from a corridor into an unsheltered walkway and the sunlight was shinning to them directly. I should not have my flash on.

I quickly took another shot wihtout the flash before the kids walked away from me (they are seriously camera shy).

ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/640 sec
Aperture: f2.8
Focal length: 50
Flash: No


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dancing in the dark

It was 6pm plus and it was raining heavily outside. The sky was dark and there was no light in the hall.

We were told that the light will automatically be turned on at 7pm (unfortunately there was no light sensor installed at the hall to detect the ambient condition). Sometimes i think it is just stupid to base on the time to trigger the light if there is an event going on in that area.

The program at that time was to have all the kids dancing and jumping around. With such dark environment, it was quite impossible to shoot without any motion blur...

ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1/20 sec
Aperture: f2.8
EV: -1.3
Flash: Yes

To minimize the motion blur (it did help a little bit), I stopped down the EV to -1.3, boosted the ISO to 1600, and with the aperture wide open. As a result, I managed to get a shutter speed of 1/20 sec. The photo would turn out underexposed (and lotsa noise) and I was hoping that the flash could at least brightened the photo.


Host behind the birthday cake

Wow! So crowded!

Time to sing birthday song to the birthday girls. Every kids started crowding in front of the cake, including some adults, leaving me no space to take photos of the family.

No choice, I couldn't chase them away to give me space, just have to find myself a corner to stand. Hmm... Since I was shooting from the side, I need to make sure the father standing furthest away to have a non-blur face. If I were to use f2.8 and focus on the kids, then the father's face would be blur. If I were to focus on the father, then the kid's face would be blur.

ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1/125 sec
Aperture: f5
Focal length: 18mm
Flash: Yes

I selected f5 and thought it was sufficient to keep everyone looked sharp on the photo. Happy Birthday and blow the candles!
